News + Calendar
**ASH WEDNESDAY IS MARCH 5: We will have 3 Masses offered for Ash Wednesday, all with the imposition of ashes. Mass times are 7AM, 10AM, and 7PM.
**DO YOU ENJOY SINGING? The choir is in need of more singers in all parts (soprano, alto, tenor, and bass) to beautify the worship of the Lord. Rehearsals are Thursday evenings at 7:30 PM, with a warm-up on Sundays at 9:15. Please speak with Fr. Herman if you are interested.
**BISHOP’S APPEAL 2025: The theme of the 2025 Bishop’s Appeal is Pilgrims of Hope, calling us to proclaim Christ in this Jubilee year! The key ingredient to reaching the Bishop’s Appeal goal of $525,000 is your participation. Our Parish has a goal of $10,000 for this year’s appeal. Please consider a sacrificial commitment to the Bishop’s Appeal. Help Bishop Lopes and your Ordinariate family proclaim Christ to the world. Visit THIS LINK to make your gift. Checks should be made payable to the Ordinariate of the Chair of Saint Peter and mailed directly to the Ordinariate.